
The Hawksmoor Story

It was an inauspicious start. A few days after signing a 20-year lease on a failing Turkish restaurant at the wrong end of a traffic-clogged street in East London, a bank loan we desperately needed fell through. On the same day, we discovered that the site didn’t actually have planning permission to be a restaurant.

Hospitality Heroes 2024 

While there’s no National Hospitality Day this year, we’ve decided to keep our own NHD tradition going with the Hawksmoor Hospitality Heroes competition. And here are the winners…


Celebrating another year of progress on International Women’s Day 

International Women’s Day means a lot to us. What it represents; what it has the power to do. There’s just one little problem with it, though. It’s in the name: International Women’s Day. Why day? Shouldn’t it be a year or decade or forever more?  You get our point: at Hawksmoor, we’re always working to

The Hawksmoor Eight

Not sure what to order on your next visit? Talking beef can be tough. There are dozens of terms for different cuts and they can vary from one end of the country to the other. And, that’s before you venture overseas. Exactly how a piece of beef is cut can make a big difference. Meet

The Sacred Six

The Sacred Six

The first names on our team sheet. Six timeless Hawksmoor classics which will always be on our menu. If you’re not already familiar with our bestsellers meet them below. Shaky Pete’s Ginger Brew Beefeater Gin, Ginger, Lemon, London Pride Our most popular cocktail for over a decade, ‘Shaky’ Pete Jeary’s ode to the Power Shandy

The Simon Community - Dublin Charity Partner

Charity Partner Announcement

We are proud to announce our local charity partner as Dublin Simon Community; who work to prevent and address homelessness in Dublin, Kildare, Wicklow, Meath, Louth, Cavan, and Monaghan. Providing services at all stages of homelessness to enable people to move to a place they can call home. In every city we are lucky to

Coming soon - Hawksmoor Dublin

Maps tell stories

Cartophile [Car-tuh-fahyl] noun. The fancy word for a map lover. ‘Carte’ being ‘map’ in French and you know how the ‘-phile’ bit works. Anyway, we have a life-long map lover in our ranks – co-founder, Huw. Besides being fun to look at, he maintains that maps tell stories.​ To honour his passion, we like to create our own intricate maps